Sweet and Sour Tofu

>> Sunday, March 11, 2012

Along with Indian food, I love practically anything Asian too, Thai, Chinese, Japanese...you name it. I always get a craving for the all-American Chinese Fusion dish, Sweet and Sour Chicken (Panda Express in particular). So I attempted to make my own with Tofu.

Sweet and Sour Sauce
  • 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons flour mixed with 4 teaspoons water

  • Half block of extra firm tofu
  • 1/2 cup thickly chopped white onions
  • 1/2 cup thickly chopped green bell peppers
  • 1/2 cup thickly chopped red bell peppers
  • oil, lots of it.

For the Sauce:
  1. In a small bowl, mix the ketchup, soy sauce and brown sugar until completely dissolved.
  2. Place mixture in a pot, and bring to a boil.
  3. Mix the flour and water and add to the other ingredients in the pot.
  4. Stir until the flour mixture is completely dissolved and the overall mixture begins to thicken.
  5. Set Aside.
*If you want your sauce to less thick, add more water to the initial flour mixture.

For the Tofu:
  1. Take the half block of tofu and wrap in a paper towel to remove excess water.
  2. Once semi dry, chop into small-medium cubes.
  3. Heat a pot with enough oil to cover the tofu and fry
  4. Once the tofu has turned a light golden brown, transfer to a plate lined with a paper towel (to sop up the excess oil).
  5. In a separate pan, place about 1-2 tbsps of oil.
  6. Once hot, saute peppers and onions on medium heat until tender.
  7. Add tofu and cook for 1-3 minutes.

  8. Add the sweet and sour sauce and cook on low heat for 3-5 minutes.

  9. Serve.
*You can add whatever veggies you would like, carrots, pineapples, etc., in this dish and even forgo frying the tofu.


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