About This Blog
This blog was created as a spin off of my main blog, www.lightofmanjusha.blogspot.com.
I have recently recognized how much I really love food and really love proving to my carnivorous friends that meat and egg free meals can be just as delish and fulfilling as its flesh filled counterparts. Because of this passion, I decided to add a portion of my blog called the veggie dish of the week, where I would take a pic of the food, give the recipe and write about it on a separate page.
After revamping my main blog (yet again), I saw a template for a cookbook and had this bright idea to do more with my vegetarian passion. So here it is, the Spiritual Cookbook. Here to bring you dishes that may be AWESOME substitutes to meat dishes or just flat out mouthwatering vegetarian dishes.
I stress a vegetarian diet not only, because not only is it good for the animals, for the environment, for your body, but also for your soul. Vegetarian food helps to purify the body, the vessel that houses the soul and in doing so making soul stronger. Allowing for soul and only soul to guide you, not mind, not ego.
So not only is this blog for all my food crazed vegetarians and vegans, but also for the spiritual seekers who are on the path to Self-Realization to God Realization.